如果这是你第一次买房, 这个过程可能会让人望而生畏, 尤其是在你开始与贷款人交谈之前. When talking to a mortgage lender about a home loan, you’ll want to be prepared. 

Fortunately, some advance preparation can help you navigate the process smoothly.



When applying for a mortgage, you’ll usually have to go through these steps:


第一步是选择贷款人. 经常, people will talk with multiple lenders to prequalify for a loan as well as to get a sense of how it would be to work with them.


申请过程包括提供重要信息, 比如月收入, 加拿大28软件对账单, 信用信息, 诸如此类. The lender will then draft up a couple of documents, such as a loan estimate and a commitment letter.


Your lender will run a credit report to determine the final terms of the loan. 也, 当你找到一个适合你预算的房子, 你的贷款人会做一些调查, 比如要求进行财产检查和评估.


贷款人将创建一个贷款文件,并将其发送给承销商, 谁检查每件事以确保满足所有要求. 在某些情况下,他们会要求你提供额外的信息.


在结案程序开始之前, your lender will order title insurance and make sure all approval requirements and contingencies are met. 最后, 这笔贷款的交割已经安排好了, after which funds will be released to you for the purchase of the home.


当你第一次和贷款人见面的时候, 下面的建议可以帮助你顺利完成这个过程.

1. 早点出发

首先,你要在这个过程的早期和你的贷款人谈谈. Doing so will allow you to get preapproved for a loan before you start shopping for a home, giving you a clear budget to work with as well as some bargaining power with sellers.

通常, having a preapproved loan will make you more attractive to sellers because there is less risk that you’ll back out of a deal part way through. It also lets you shop confidently with a solid idea of how much house you’ll be able to afford, 消除了过程中的很多不确定性.

尽早开始还可以让你有机会与多个贷款人交谈, 在贷款产品方面给你更多的选择. 这也会增加你被批准的机会.

2. 了解重要术语

As you talk to your lender, there are various terms you’ll need to be aware of. 

Some of the terms the best mortgage lenders for first time buyers will likely use include:

  • 固定利率-不随时间变化的利率.
  • Adjustable-rate – Adjustable-rate 抵押贷款 (ARM) have rates that fluctuate over time.
  • 贷款期限-你必须偿还贷款的期限. 通常是15到30年.
  • 余额-当前欠你贷款的金额.
  • Amortization – The process in which your payments go toward both the balance and interest.
  • 成交成本-与贷款成交有关的成本和费用.
  • 结账-最后确定贷款和发放资金的过程.
  • 权益-本质上,你已经还清的房子的金额.
  • LTV – Loan to Value ratio, meaning the value of the home, which is used in the approval process.
  • 首付款-预先支付的百分比. 一般来说,你需要付20%的首付.

3. 携带重要信息

When talking to a mortgage lender, you’ll want to have some important information on hand. This information includes documents and financial data, which typically consist of the following:

  • 收入证明,比如W-2表格、工资单和纳税申报单
  • 当前的债务
  • Assets, such as savings for a down payment (proven with 加拿大28软件对账单)
  • 带照片的身份证
  • 信用记录
  • 联系信息

Your lender will review the information from these documents to determine how much they can lend to you and whether you’ll be approved for a home loan.

4. 准备好回答出借人的问题

在你们讨论的过程中,你的贷款人会问你很多问题. 你可能会遇到的一些常见问题包括:

  • 你现在的月收入是多少?
  • 你现在的信用评分是多少?
  • 你存了多少钱作首付款?
  • 你有悬而未决的诉讼吗?
  • 你或你的财产是否有任何债务或法律要求?

The idea behind these is to make sure you’re financially secure enough to be able to handle your mortgage payments.

5. 问自己的问题

The best mortgage lenders for first time buyers shouldn’t be the only one asking questions. You’ll want to ask your lender some questions as well, including the following:

  • 所有的费用是多少?
  • 是否有提前支付罚金?
  • 我们能锁定固定利率吗?
  • 你能在内部处理贷款审批吗?
  • 审批和结案需要多长时间?
  • 你能保证贷款按时结清吗?

The answers to these questions should give you a sense of your lender’s capabilities as well as alert you to any red flags. 例如, a loan that can’t guarantee an on-time closing might cause complications when it comes time to make your final purchase.


最终, you’ll not only be trying to get a loan that matches your needs but choosing a mortgage lender who can provide exceptional service. Being able to work comfortably with your lender is just as important as approval, 因为他们要为你偿还一段时间的贷款.

